Fantasy Football NFT

10,000 unique Fantasy Football teams minted with ERC-721
Join the League on OpenSea


What is this?

We've generated 10k unique Fantasy Football teams. Each one is an NFT on the Ethereum blockchain.

A team is comprised of 1 QB, 2 RBs, 3 WRs, 1 TE, and 1 DST.

Why is my team made up of cities and not players?

Specific players are intentionally omitted to make the game last for more than one season.

How does scoring work?

The founding team built a season long leaderboard and plans on building Weekly and All-time leaderboards as well.

That being said, feel free to use Fantasy Football NFT in any way you want. We encourage the community to build whatever games they like on top of the NFT.

How can I setup my ETH wallet?

Go to MetaMask FAQs.

Where is the metadata stored?

The NFTs are stored using IPFS.

Where can I see my teams?

On OpenSea, MetaMask mobile, or any other website that displays NFTs on ethereum.

Contract address?


Terms & Conditions

This non-fungible token collection is intended for individuals over the age of 18 or the legal age of your jurisdiction; whichever is greater.

The Fantasy Football NFT is a digital collection of NFT tokens running on the Ethereum network. This website is an interface allowing participants to purchase digital collectibles. Users are entirely responsible for the safety and management of their own private wallets. Users must validate all transactions and contracts generated by this website before approval. The Fantasy Football NFT smart contract runs on the Ethereum network; There is no ability to undo, reverse, or restore any transactions. This website and its connected services are provided “as is” and “as available” without a warranty of any kind. By using this website you are accepting sole responsibility for any and all transactions involving our collectibles.

As long as you own the non-fungible token, you can assign these rights and do whatever you please with them. You agree not to use your Fantasy Football NFT in any project or derivative work that involves hate speech, racism, pornography, or any other illegal content.

Non-fungible tokens are not an investment. The Fantasy Football NFT are just collectibles on the Ethereum network and should be treated as such. While we hope to continue our project, grow this community, and add utility; We do not guarantee future developments. You, the owner, agree that you purchase our non-fungible token as just as a collectible. We do not promise or guarantee that this non-fungible token will be worth anything in the future. You, the owner, understand that they have no inherent monetary value, and they should be treated as nothing more than a collectible.

By minting a Fantasy Football NFT on our website; you acknowledge that you have read, and do hereby accept the terms and conditions listed above.